Activities in Switzerland
Sewing with the Zharity Group in Zurich
Sewing in Zurich Zharity has recently initiated a new project to make reusable feminine hygiene pads for those in need. Our first effort will support an agency that sends these pads already to women/girls in Cameroon. This organization also provides education to these same girls/women about menstruation. Our goal is to provide 500 finished feminine pads for this organization by Fall 2023.

1650 sanitary towels for women’s projects in countries with difficult access to hygiene materials in collaboration with Geminde Wohlen – BE
Affordable and safe hygiene products are a scarce commodity in many places. The sewing project aims to provide practical help in this area.from Wohlen… A good year ago – when the sewing meeting in the Kipferhaus could no longer take place – we decided on a project that would enable regular,

Der Bund
Girls sneak out of school during their days……. find our more

In collaboration with the Rouge Group in Zurich. Menstruation as a natural and positive feature of the biologically female body is often socially, politically or religiously tabooed – whether out of ignorance, insecurity or calculation. This is not worthy of a modern and enlightened society. We therefore make it our mission to combat ignorance,
A big thank you to this passionate woman for producing 300 Dorena Wahable pads to help girls stay in school in Cameroon. Thank you Mrs. B. Zimmerman. We need many more helping hands. We will send a muster

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